Where do we stand now?
Funny thing has been going on here and I am just wondering are we seeing the beginning of the end or a start of something different. First let’s look at the weather, what is going on here? Here in upstate New York we are having strange weather, cold but not too much snow. Yet South of us and into the middle of the east coast they are getting hit hard. Sorry to say nice for them and great for us, however with three more months to go I might be just eating my words. Oh well, was born in it, lived in it, and enjoy it, I like snow and most people look at me and wonder what’s wrong with this guy. What can I say I am an UPSTATE New York person! Now on to politics, what the hell is going on here? All I can say is that we are watching the final beginning of the change to how politics will be done in the future. I am glad to say people are starting to wake up and question the normal standard. Why does politics need to be run only one way, why cannot it be twisted and shaken up. I think that is what Donald Trump is doing, let face the facts this year no matter who you like or what party you are following, things are changing. I cannot wait to see what happen next. Maybe we will get real people into office and not the YES men or ladies to take orders and do for others and leave the rest of us out in the cold. Finally we will have people with no ties to parties and donors who will work for the people and answer to the people. I see many thing changing, and I hope they are for the best.
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