Shooting, being ARMED, and READY
I have been tossing around the idea that we as a people should follow our forefather, stand up for the rights of not just one person but a community as well. Monthly and even weekly in the news there's a story about a shooting or a killing. Just yesterday, another mast shooting. Now the facts are starting to come in, and this as many others are well planned and even prepared for. I posted on Facebook we the people who obey the laws and own guns should arm ourselves. There are enough guns laws on the books, and to tell the truth the only people they affect are us, those who follow the laws. Let’s face the facts and truth, guns & weapon’s can be gotten by anyone with money and connection. Also weapon’s can be made from household items and easy from items from a story. So what is the answer? Take away our rights to have a gun? Make people register their guns? Or better yet, improve the education and respect for guns. Plus make the people responsible for their security and well being. Am I saying everyone should strap on a gun and walk around carrying, in one way YES! Am I saying we as a people should protect ourselves and our community, in one way YES! Am I saying we as a people should assistance Law Enforcement in these emergencies, in one way YES! I believe as many others do, “WE THE PEOPLE”, have a duty and responsibility to protect our community, our friends, our family, and ourselves. It comes down to trust, do you trust me to protect you and do I trust you to protect me. When you consider the number of people in our nation and the number of law enforcement, they are outnumbered. Yet these people have taken an oath to protect and serve the community. I took an oath also, a military oath, to protect this nation and its people. Now granted that was many years ago and I am not the man I was then. However I would take up arms to defend my community and nation in a moment. Again I ask the same question: So what is the answer? The world is a scary place and there are very bad things happening in it. Yet we try to live a life of peace and respect, however others want us to conform to their way of thinking and be under their rule. This nation is not that type! “WE THE PEOPLE”, stood our ground and fought for the right to be free and live a life were we all are equal. Have we reached that place where we all are equal? Not yet, but we are getting closer. Are we at a point where we are safe in our communities? Not in the world today. Can “WE THE PEOPLE”, do something about this? I think so; however it will take trust and comment from everyone to reach. The real question is you ready to act and trust? We are a nation of being ready for weather events, natural disasters, and even the loss of services for a short time frame. Even the government wants us ready for these things. Why cannot we also reach a level of being ready for these shooting and mass killings? We can do prepare one type of event, then why not for everything else. Consider this, if something was to happen and you’re not ready, what are the possible outcomes? Now consider if you’re ready and prepared do the outcomes change? Tell the truth, I would feel better knowing I was ready, willing and able, then deal with the outcomes knowing I did all I could. The real question would you also feel the same?
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